
情感導(dǎo)師 7852


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1. 我努力在笑,可眼淚還會(huì)掉。

I try to laugh, but the tears will fall.

2. 給我個(gè)暫停鍵吧,我是真的累了。

Give me a pause button. I'm really tired.


3. 就算哭泣,也要拼命忍住,因?yàn)闆](méi)有人會(huì)在乎。

Even if you cry, try to hold back, because no one cares.

4. 我瞞著所有人繼續(xù)愛(ài)你。

I continue to love you behind everyone's back.

5. 其實(shí)我很容易滿(mǎn)足,但你給的全是辜負(fù)。

Actually, it's easy for me to be satisfied, but all you give is failure.

6. 要先走的是我;頻頻回頭的也是我;說(shuō)狠話(huà)的是我;心里傷心的也是我。

It ’ s me who has to go first. It ’ s also me who frequently turns back. It ’ s me who is sad in my heart.

7. 所有人都告訴我要懂事,卻沒(méi)有人告訴我要快樂(lè)。

Everyone told me to be sensible, but no one told me to be happy.

8. 明明在線(xiàn)卻隱身,明明看見(jiàn)卻轉(zhuǎn)身。

Obviously online but invisible, obviously see but turn around.

9. 經(jīng)歷了多少委屈,才會(huì)有現(xiàn)在的脾氣。

How many grievances have you experienced, will you have the current temper.

10. 不知道從什么時(shí)候起,學(xué)會(huì)了不解釋。

Do not know from when, learned not to explain.

11. 發(fā)再多的說(shuō)說(shuō)有什么用呢,打字的人,滿(mǎn)是心酸,看字的人,皆是嘲笑。

What's the use of sending more talk? The people who type are full of sadness, and the people who read the words are all laughing.

12. 把期望降低,把依賴(lài)變少,真的會(huì)過(guò)的更好。

Lowering expectations, reducing dependence, will really be better.


2024-07-30 12:07:41


2024-07-15 01:07:49

發(fā)了正能量的信息了 還是不回怎么辦呢?

2024-01-02 18:01:11


2023-11-08 20:11:54



獲取更多愛(ài)情挽回攻略 婚姻修復(fù)技巧 戀愛(ài)脫單干貨

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