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there are some people in our lives who rub shoulders with us, but have no time to meet; meet, but have no time to meet; meet, but have no time to know; know, but have no time to know; know, but still have to say goodbye. I hope that without my company, you can also cross the mountains to see the sea.


I once made a wish to a thousand paper cranes, saying that I must love you all my life, and I did it, because we are heart to heart. There are many colors in the world, only you are my favorite.



If you like someone very much. Then, it's enough to keep a friend at arm's length, so that you can live forever. Never expect to be near. Once people have greed, they are doomed to lose it.


give yourself a direction, not to seek the earth and heaven; give yourself a belief, do not have to panic all the way, peace of mind, do not have to hesitate. There are many such miracles in life. Sometimes they can be done easily. The difference lies in extraordinary beliefs.


not confused in the heart, not trapped in the feelings. Don't fear the future, don't miss the past. Live your life indifferently. Don't be vigorous, just be at ease. So, good.

六、 其實是最幸福的 當(dāng)一個女人在你面前開始變得沉默,不再對你吼、對你鬧、對你發(fā)脾氣、管你這管你那時,你真的已經(jīng)在她心里失去了那個不可或缺的地位了??v使她還愛你,但是有些東西真的變了。糾纏、看似很煩,其實是最幸福的。

In fact, the happiest when a woman begins to become silent in front of you, no longer yelling at you, yelling at you, getting angry with you, or taking care of you, you really have lost that indispensable position in her heart. Even though she still loves you, something really changed. Entanglement, seemingly annoying, is actually the happiest.


do not disturb, do not make noise, like rain dripping, mountain breeze and moon; like lilac girl's footsteps, Daiwa green brick taste of time; like me waiting for you to wait for the spring tree twilight clouds, the time turns long.


a man lives consciously for himself, but he is an unconscious tool for the historical purpose of all mankind. People's actions are irreparable. When one's actions and countless others'actions occur at the same time, they have historical significance.

The higher a man stands on the social ladder, the more people he has to do with, the more power he has over others, the more obvious his destiny and inevitability in every action.

九、 愛一個人就是一本正經(jīng)地催他去工作,卻又忍不住躲在他身后想搗幾次小小的蛋。愛一個人就是在撥通電話時忽然不知道要說什么,才知道原來只是想聽聽那熟悉的聲音,原來真正想撥通的,只是自己心底的一根弦。

To love a person is to urge him to work seriously, but he can not help hiding behind him and trying to smash a few small eggs. Love a person is when dialing the phone suddenly do not know what to say, only to know that the original just want to listen to the familiar voice, the original really want to dial through, just a string in their hearts.

十、 你過你的生活就好,安靜的住在我心里就好。不打擾,是我愛你最后的方式。

Just live your life and live quietly in my heart. Don't bother, it's the last way I love you.


Today is very short, but today is very important. Beautiful today can not only turn yesterday's brilliance into tomorrow's brilliance, but also turn yesterday's failure into tomorrow's success.

Therefore, in today, do not always miss, always sigh, always complain, we should treat every today as the beginning of life! Only from scratch, down-to-earth, wholeheartedly lean today, will usher in a brilliant tomorrow.

十二、人生最痛苦的是,在不懂愛的年齡選擇了婚姻。而在懂愛的年齡遇到了不能在一起的人。 很多時候,我們說放下了,其實并沒有真的放下,我們只是假裝很幸福,然后在寂靜的角落里孤獨地?fù)崦邸?/p>

The most painful thing in life is that we choose marriage at an age when we don't understand love. At the age of love, I met people who couldn't be together. Many times, we say to put it down, but we don't really put it down. We just pretend to be happy, and then touch the scars in a quiet corner alone.


May you strive hard to feel the world's various states. May your heart be calm and strong, and live freely. May you speak frankly in this lively and publicized age. Most things don't matter until you want to understand them, but when you don't care, you suddenly understand them.


The strong in life will adjust their mentality in time. There is one thing that can never be fooled, that is, sincerity; one thing that can never be betrayed, that is, true feelings; one thing that can never be indulged, that is, desire; one thing that can never be far away, that is, peace; one thing that can never be touched, that is, sin; and one thing that can never play. That's life.


But just after you think about it, you shake your head again, or you don't find it. You are afraid of endless quarrels, cheating and hurting each other, gains and losses after falling in love, and finally breaking up with so many feelings.


No matter what life can give you, you should accept it calmly. Even if it's scarred and bruised, you should face it with a smile and believe in yourself.

As long as you face every day firmly and treat the people around you with your heart, all difficulties are temporary and all contradictions can be resolved. You will know who can stay in life and who can be after more experience along the way. Can gradually go farther and farther, who is worth, with a lifetime to cherish.

十七、 風(fēng)雨人生,給自己一個微笑,做人要有一顆平常心,膚淺的羨慕,無聊的攀比,笨拙的效仿,只會讓自己整天活在他人的影子里面。我們應(yīng)當(dāng)認(rèn)清自己,走自己的道路,過自己的生活。

In a rainy and windy life, give yourself a smile. To be a man, you must have an ordinary heart, superficial envy, boring comparison and clumsy imitation. Only by living in the shadow of others all day long. We should recognize ourselves, take our own road and live our own life.

十八、 至于未來會怎樣,要用力走下去才知道。對所有的人以誠相待,同多數(shù)人和睦相處,和少數(shù)人常來常往,只跟一個親密無間??鞓肥?,而且必須是一種副作用或附帶產(chǎn)品,如果將它視為目標(biāo)則會消滅或破壞了快樂。

As for the future, we need to work hard to know. Be honest with all people, live in harmony with most people, and often with a few people, only with one intimate. Happiness is, and must be, a side effect or by-product that, if viewed as a goal, destroys or destroys happiness.


I always thought that I won by myself. I didn't know I lost until I looked in the mirror one day. In my best days, my favorite people were not around me. If only we could start all over again.


In those short years when you once loved me, I may be the happiest person in the world, but those days have passed and I can't keep them. Life or freedom, we have to win every day to be eligible for it.


People's life is not long, today's efforts will be more harvest tomorrow! If you miss something, let it miss forever. We should cherish the life in front of us, live our own life, and refuel for our own life!


2024-03-03 06:03:40


2023-11-08 15:11:21


2023-10-19 03:10:56

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