
情感導(dǎo)師 6116


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一,我是一個(gè)糊涂蟲是一個(gè)小笨蛋 但是請(qǐng)你相信 我不是故意惹你生氣的

I'm a fool and a little fool, but please believe me, I didn't mean to make you angry


Ok, ok, don't be angry. If you are angry, I will be unhappy. Unhappy baby is the most terrible. I am a child. If you are not happy, you will die



Quite a little mushroom. Nothing to do. Just hold an umbrella. Not like I'm thinking about coaxing my boyfriend right now


I went to buy oysters on the way home, all the oysters jumped out of the bag and turned to the soil. It turned out that this is called oysters like mud

五,都是那該死的脾氣惹的禍 我一定會(huì)狠狠地罵它一頓的了 原諒我好嘛

It's that damn temper. I'm gonna kick its ass. Forgive me, okay

六,我真的錯(cuò)了 要不你親我一下消消氣

I was really wrong. Why don't you kiss me and calm down

七,你好,我是 的私人機(jī)器人羅寶,我的主人感覺(jué)到您不開(kāi)心了,讓我過(guò)來(lái)詢問(wèn)情況

Hello, this is private robot rob. My master senses you're upset. Let me come over and ask about it


Don't be angry, shall I guess a riddle for you? You owe me five yuan, but you pay me ten yuan (a polite term) hee hee, can not guess the horn, the answer is, I apologize


I know, you must be angry, because, your hair is fried


I heard that you are the best boyfriend in the world, do you want to prove how good it is? Low oil, don't be angry, people are panicking


I am going to write a review of spicy adults. How many words do you let the little woman write? Wow, the little woman must complete it on time and in quantity

十二,剛剛那些不好聽(tīng)的話都不是我說(shuō)噠,是 操控我的靈魂讓我說(shuō)的(可憐巴巴)

I didn't say those bad words just now, it was the manipulation of my soul that made me say it (poor)


2024-08-19 08:08:13


2024-03-10 14:03:09



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