
情感導(dǎo)師 5811


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一、大氣是一個(gè)人的氣質(zhì)或氣度;是一個(gè)人內(nèi)心世界的一種外觀表現(xiàn);是一個(gè)人綜合素質(zhì)對(duì)外散發(fā)的一種無(wú)形的力量。大氣不是從小生來(lái)的,而是經(jīng)歷生活慢慢培養(yǎng)出來(lái)的浩然之氣;是一個(gè)人對(duì)社會(huì)、對(duì)生活所持有態(tài)度的一種意識(shí);是人性的自然流露,裝是裝不出來(lái)的。Atmosphere is a person's temperament or temperament; is a person's inner world of an appearance; is a person's comprehensive quality of external dissemination of an invisible force. Atmosphere is not born at an early age, but is a magnificent spirit cultivated slowly through life; it is a person's awareness of the attitude towards society and life; it is the natural expression of human nature, which can not be pretended.

二、人生就是一個(gè)蘇醒的過(guò)程,把快樂(lè)裝在心里,把溫暖妥帖收藏,在心中開(kāi)一扇睛窗,種滿花朵和陽(yáng)光,用最美的心情過(guò)最好的生活,即便是風(fēng)塵仆仆,歲月也會(huì)溢滿暖意,美好也會(huì)如約而至!Life is a process of awakening. Keep happiness in your heart, keep warmth in your collection, open a window in your heart, plant flowers and sunshine, and live the best life with the most beautiful mood. Even if you are a dusty servant, the years will be full of warmth, and the good will come as promised.

三、原來(lái),愛(ài)一個(gè)人,由人由天,就是由不得自己。那些屬于生命里美麗的瞬間,當(dāng)時(shí)并不覺(jué)得珍奇,可當(dāng)我回頭卻發(fā)現(xiàn),原來(lái)最燦爛的一刻早已過(guò)去。我再?zèng)]有遇到一個(gè)人,像他一樣愛(ài)我如自己的生命。你們兩人在一處,心卻在另一處,在神的驅(qū)逐下,永不停息的流浪。原來(lái)一切早已注定我認(rèn)了命,反正怎么過(guò),都是一生。Originally, love a person, by the sky, is by no means their own. Those beautiful moments in life, at that time did not feel strange, but when I look back, I find that the original most brilliant moment has long passed. I have never met anyone who loves me as his own life. You two are in one place, but your heart is in another place, and you will never stop wandering under the banishment of God. Originally everything had been destined for me to admit my destiny. Anyway, it was a lifetime. & lt; br/>

四、沒(méi)人在乎你怎樣在深夜痛哭,也沒(méi)人在乎你輾轉(zhuǎn)反側(cè)的要熬幾個(gè)秋。外人只看結(jié)果,自己獨(dú)撐過(guò)程。等我們都明白了這個(gè)道理,便不會(huì)再在人前矯情,四處訴說(shuō)以求寬慰。Nobody cares how you cry in the middle of the night, or how many autumns you toss and turn. Outsiders only look at the results and support the process by themselves. When we all understand this truth, we will no longer pretend to be in front of others and talk about it everywhere for comfort.


五、又是一個(gè)凌晨了,此刻的你是在睡夢(mèng)中還是在站崗呢,那你有沒(méi)有想我? 我還在等你,你知道嗎?別老想著“以后還來(lái)得及”,有一天你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),有些人,有些事,真的會(huì)來(lái)不及。It's morning again. Are you sleeping or standing on guard now? Do you miss me? I'm still waiting for you, you know? Don't dwell on "it's too late in the future." One day you will find that some people, some things, really will be too late.

六、到了現(xiàn)在這個(gè)年紀(jì),誰(shuí)都不想再取悅了,跟誰(shuí)在一起舒服就和誰(shuí)在一起,包括朋友也是,累了就躲遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn)。寧可孤獨(dú),也不違心,寧可抱憾,也不將就。At this age, nobody wants to please anymore. When you are comfortable with someone, you can stay away from them, including your friends. I would rather be lonely than disobey my heart. I would rather regret than settle down.

七、走過(guò)的街角,已經(jīng)失去了往日的繁華,現(xiàn)實(shí)的無(wú)助,只能讓過(guò)往的點(diǎn)滴變成回憶,用回憶麻痹自己,讓生活左右自己,任憑人生風(fēng)雨的擺動(dòng),而我,卻連抵抗的欲望都沒(méi)有。Walking through the corner, has lost the past prosperity, the reality of helplessness, can only let the past bits into memories, paralyze themselves with memories, let life around themselves, despite the swing of life storms, but I do not even have the desire to resist.

八、我們的生活有太多無(wú)奈,我們無(wú)法改變,也無(wú)力改變,更糟的是,我們失去了改變的想法。你的回憶里,總有一段最難釋?xiě)训臅r(shí)光,卻沒(méi)有任何人讀懂你自己。There are so many helplessness in our life that we can't change or change. What's worse, we have lost the idea of change. In your memory, there is always the most difficult time to let go, but no one understands you.

九、勇敢的做自己,不要為任何人而改變。如果他們不能接受最差的你,也不配擁有最好的你。我想你了,卻不能對(duì)你說(shuō),就像開(kāi)滿梨花的樹(shù)上,永遠(yuǎn)不可能結(jié)出蘋(píng)果。我想你了,卻不能對(duì)你說(shuō),就像高掛天邊的彩虹,永遠(yuǎn)無(wú)人能夠觸摸。Be yourself bravely and don't change for anyone. If they can't accept the worst of you, they don't deserve the best of you. I miss you, but I can't tell you, like a tree full of pear blossoms, it can never produce apples. I miss you, but I can't tell you, just like a rainbow hanging high above the horizon, no one can touch it forever.

十、只有對(duì)自己的人生充滿自信,才能在自信里找到自強(qiáng),自強(qiáng)中彰顯自立,自立成就自我,才會(huì)在自我中不斷演繹人生的精彩。Only when you are confident in your life, can you find self-reliance in self-reliance, show self-reliance in self-reliance, achieve self-reliance, and constantly deduce the brilliance of life in self-reliance.

十一、風(fēng),遺忘了夕陽(yáng)的歸時(shí),仍忘情地吹著不知 疲倦的黃昏。天邊的晚霞映紅了你的臉,你正用洞穿深夏的雙眼望著天邊的云霞;月明風(fēng)清,流水泠泠,螢舞蛙鳴。在六月的夜里,為你潑墨繾綣一道小令,紀(jì)念相逢。為你撥弦奏一曲琴箏,唯美的音符化為永恒。Wind, forgetting the return of sunset, still blowing tireless evening. The sunset glow on the horizon reflects your face red, you are looking at the clouds on the horizon with your eyes piercing through the deep summer; the moon is bright and the wind is clear, the water is cold and the fluttering frogs are singing. On the night of June, splash ink on a small decree for you to commemorate the meeting. Play a zither for you, the beautiful notes become eternal.

十二、女人,失去了魅力會(huì)覺(jué)得男人花心!男人,沒(méi)有了實(shí)力才覺(jué)得女人現(xiàn)實(shí)!所以,你必須明白一件事:事業(yè)是男人的姿色,姿色是女人的事業(yè)。女人一定要愛(ài)自己,也要經(jīng)濟(jì)夠獨(dú)立!做一個(gè)完美精致的女人。別說(shuō)東西貴,這個(gè)世界,你最貴!Women, if they lose their charm, they will feel men's love! Men, without strength, think women are realistic! So, you have to understand one thing: career is a man's beauty, and beauty is a woman's career. Women must love themselves and be financially independent! Be a perfect and delicate woman. Don't say things are expensive, you are the most expensive in the world!

十三、誰(shuí)若從滾滾向前的命運(yùn)之車(chē)上掉下來(lái),誰(shuí)就再也趕不上它。生命中有你;生命中的征程是否有你;如果沒(méi)有,生命中為何有你,何必有你?Anyone who falls from the car of fate rolling forward will never catch up with it. There is you in life; whether there is you in the journey of life; if not, why have you in life, why have you

十四、不要羨慕別人比你成熟。那是因?yàn)?,一路走?lái),他們遇見(jiàn)的壞人比你多。經(jīng)歷了生活的跌宕起伏,看過(guò)了生命的凡來(lái)塵往,愿我們每個(gè)人都能以向日葵的精神,面朝陽(yáng)光,追逐著光明,不去怨,不去恨,默默生長(zhǎng),默默成長(zhǎng),每一個(gè)日升月落的日子,都給世界,給自己一個(gè)微笑。Don't envy others more mature than you. That's because, along the way, they met more bad people than you. Having experienced the ups and downs of life, and seen all the comings and downs of life, I hope that each of us can, in the spirit of sunflower, face the sunshine, pursue the light, not to complain, not to hate, grow silently, grow silently, give the world a smile on every sunrise and sunset day.

十五、男人們竭盡全力想要飛黃騰達(dá),其目的歸根結(jié)底就是想高高在上,博得女人的傾慕之心。男人們?cè)诩ち业纳娓?jìng)爭(zhēng)中力圖取勝,為的不就是美色和貪欲嗎?Men try their best to make a great success. The ultimate goal is to win the admiration of women from above. Is it not beauty and greed that men strive to win in the fierce competition for survival?

十六、愛(ài)情啊,從來(lái)不是我們預(yù)期的那個(gè)樣子,卻是我們?nèi)松豢苫蛉钡臇|西。曾經(jīng)害怕從你的嘴里聽(tīng)到分手兩個(gè)字,因?yàn)槲覑?ài)你,你愛(ài)不愛(ài)我我不知道,但是我在努力的讓你愛(ài)上我。Love, it's never what we expected, but it's an indispensable part of our life. I used to be afraid to hear the word "break up" from your mouth, because I love you, do you love me or not, I don't know, but I'm trying to make you fall in love with me.

十七、有時(shí)候你以為天塌下來(lái)了,其實(shí)是自己站歪了。留在彼此的好友名單里卻不再說(shuō)一句話,這是我們最后的默契。其實(shí),我想要的很簡(jiǎn)單,在這個(gè)熟悉又很陌生的城市里,能有一份家的溫暖。人生中,最溫馨的時(shí)刻,莫過(guò)于有家人,親朋好友的陪伴,有家便有暖。這個(gè)世界的問(wèn)題是,笨蛋都充滿了自信,而聰明人反而總是懷疑自己。Sometimes you think the sky has fallen down, but you stand askew. It's our last tacit understanding to stay on each other's list of friends and not say a word. In fact, I want very simple, in this familiar and very strange city, can have a warm home. In life, the warmest moment is to have family members, friends and relatives accompanied by home will be warm. The problem with the world is that fools are full of self-confidence, while smart people are always suspicious of themselves.

十八、我想過(guò)做個(gè)不走近歲月的世界,孤獨(dú)的微笑,孤單的走路,看著大人的冷眼,錯(cuò)誤自己的付出,不用思考,不用面對(duì)當(dāng)下的很多,不費(fèi)力氣的吃喝穿衣,不用走太多的路,可是時(shí)間走了,鎖走了我人生的不知,帶來(lái)了心中的得知,分得很清楚,擦去的很快,有了落痕,有了追憶,斷去的斷去,離開(kāi)的離開(kāi),看見(jiàn)的遠(yuǎn)了,等不來(lái)的卻很近了。I thought about being a world not approaching the years, a lonely smile, a lonely walk, looking at adults'cold eyes, making mistakes in their own efforts, not thinking, not facing the current many, not trying to eat, drink and dress, not walking too much, but time has gone, locked away my life's ignorance, brought the heart to know, clearly divided, erased quickly, with Falling marks, with memories, broken off, leaving, see far away, but can not wait for it is very close.

十九、“如約而至”是個(gè)多么美好的詞,等的辛苦,卻從不辜負(fù)。價(jià)值產(chǎn)生信心,信心產(chǎn)生熱忱,而熱忱則征服世界。不是我不聯(lián)系你,而是你給我的感覺(jué)像是我在打擾你。 我要有能做我自己的自由,和敢做我自己的膽量?!终Z(yǔ)堂《我的愿望》What a beautiful word "come as you promised", waiting for the hard work, but never live up to it. Value produces confidence, confidence produces enthusiasm, and enthusiasm conquers the world. It's not that I don't contact you, but that you give me the feeling that I'm bothering you. I want to have the freedom to be myself and the courage to be myself. —— Lin Yutang's "My Wish"

二十、十年前,你周?chē)娜藭?huì)根據(jù)你父母的收入對(duì)待你。十年后,你周?chē)娜藭?huì)根據(jù)你的收入對(duì)待你的父母和你的孩子!這就是人性和人生,除了努力別無(wú)選擇。人一輩子,你得信這一條:留得住的不需用力,留不住的不需費(fèi)力。來(lái)去隨緣,強(qiáng)求不得。Ten years ago, people around you would treat you according to your parents'income. Ten years later, people around you will treat your parents and your children according to your income! This is human nature and life. There is no choice but to work hard. Throughout your life, you have to believe this rule: you don't have to work hard to keep it, you don't have to work hard to keep it. Come and go as you please, but you can't force it.

二十一、世上最心痛的距離,不是你不懂我的悲哀,不明白我的孤寂,而是我即使痛徹心脾,卻不能放聲哭泣!時(shí)間決定你會(huì)在生命中遇見(jiàn)誰(shuí),你的心決定你想要誰(shuí)出現(xiàn)在你的生命里,而你的行為決定最后誰(shuí)能留下。The most painful distance in the world is not that you don't understand my sorrow and my loneliness, but that I can't cry even though I'm in pain. Time decides who you will meet in your life, your heart decides who you want to appear in your life, and your actions decide who will stay in the end.


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