
情感導(dǎo)師 5639


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The vegetables were holding a thinner contest. The eggplant saw the cucumber and found that the waist of the cucumber was very thin, so the eggplant kept saying: No melon is fine, no melon is fine, it doesn't matter


Guoba noodles mud is a good friend. One day, mud asked Guoba, what are we going to do? Guoba said that we meet



I didn't say any of that stuff. I said it because I manipulated my soul


Once I was looking at the moon. The moon is round, bright, round, round, round, round, round, you hear me

五,我是一個(gè)糊涂蟲是一個(gè)小笨蛋但是請你相信 我不是故意惹你生氣的

I'm a fool and a little fool, but please believe me, I didn't mean to make you angry


There is a duckling in line, and want to align with the front of the duckling, but how are not aligned, it muttered: "not right duck, not right duck," you hear

七,好吧 壞吧 隨便吧 是三個(gè)好朋友 有一天隨便吧打電話給壞吧 問他要不要一起出去玩 壞吧問都有誰啊 隨便吧說 我們和好吧

Okay, bad, whatever. Three good friends. One day, call bad, ask him if he wants to hang out. Bad, ask who's there. Whatever. Say we're back together


Then I also said one. There is an old man who has a bad memory and always forgets to close the door. He has four estates. One day, the manor door in the west was forgotten. When passers-by saw it, he said, it ’ s not closed, it ’ s not closed. Did you hear it? It doesn't matter

九,最近的風(fēng)有沒有替我向你說句對不起 如果沒有那我就替風(fēng)說了.

Has the recent wind said sorry to you for me? If not, then I will say sorry for the wind.


One day, the mud and the mud quarreled, and the mud was so mad that they left home. The milk tea felt that it was too much to run away with him. There was only one cockroach left, so do you want this or not.

十一,我現(xiàn)在委婉地跟你說 我錯了

I'm going to put it mildly that I was wrong

十二,“首項(xiàng)加末項(xiàng)的和乘項(xiàng)除以二” “干嘛?” “求和”

"The sum of the first and last terms divided by two" "Why? ” "summation

十三,m和n是一對特別好特別甜的小情侶,但有一天他們倆因?yàn)橐稽c(diǎn)小事吵架了,最開始他們誰也不理誰 后來m實(shí)在太想n就去找n認(rèn)錯了因?yàn)閙 sorry.

M and n were a very nice, sweet couple, but one day they had a fight about a little thing, and at first they ignored each other, and then m really wanted n so much that he went to n and confessed because of m sorry.


2024-09-17 22:09:39


2024-01-25 16:01:42



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