
情感導(dǎo)師 9057


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The most painful thing to lose a person is not the turbulent suffering when you just lost it, but when you think that time has cured everything, but every other time, you suddenly think of this person, lingering, gone and coming again.


The saddest thing is that you give a person you love countless opportunities to forgive, I thought he would be more good to you, but in exchange for disappointment again and again.



No matter how much you like cheering, you should also learn to live in harmony with loneliness. Most of the time, there is only one person in your life. Enjoy one person's time. When you are lonely to the depth, loneliness becomes armor.


When I watched the movie, I cried a lot. The person next to me handed me a piece of paper and told me that it was someone else's story. I suddenly realized that when he was gone, my story would be fast, just like the memories you gave would be over.


The most futile thing a person has done in his life is to keep looking back and prove once more that you are irretrievable.


I admit that I miss you very much, but I want to win this time. I would rather go to drink and stay up late. I don't sleep all night. I won't go to find you again.


Sometimes we forgive a person, how many are really forgive, simply do not want to lose him, hidden in the heart of each thorn, I hope to be slowly with the time to be worn out, after all, I love the people, I can blame you what.


2024-08-06 00:08:16


2024-06-03 09:06:07



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