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@nobody / Reddit


@Caspers_Shadow / Reddit


Use shaving cream as anti-fog. I used it on the inside of my motorcycle visor. Smear it on, let it dry, then rinse off and dry. It also works for bathroom mirrors. You can use it on a small spot so you can still see when you get out of the shower.


@nobody / Reddit


@omgIamafraidofreddit / Reddit

That rubbing alcohol removes chewing gum. I’d go through a 20-layer-deep marketing funnel to get to that tip because it really does work.


@Djason_Unchaind / Reddit

You can do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself. Use a chair or countertop, press yourself against it (right under your rib cage), and press down hard. Should force air up and dislodge a blockage.

你可以給自己做哈姆立克急救法。用一把椅子或者工作臺,把自己壓在上面(放在你的肋骨下面) ,然后用力一壓。這會迫使空氣上升排出堵塞物。

@SnooPickles3213 / Reddit

The cheapest, most effective, and safest insecticide against roaches (especially those huge “water bug” roaches that we have in the South) is a spray bottle of mostly water with just a little liquid dish soap in it. Shake the bottle and get the water a little foamy, then spray the roaches. They will run, scramble, and attempt to escape, of course, but they will die. The soap film suffocates them faster than any chemicals will. Plus, it’s very easy to clean up and is safe around food (not that you want to spray soapy water ON your food).

對付蟑螂(尤其是南方那些巨大的 "水蟲 "蟑螂)的最便宜、有效且安全的殺蟲劑是一個找噴霧瓶,里面放滿水,滴幾滴洗潔精。搖晃瓶子產(chǎn)生泡沫,然后噴在蟑螂身上。蟑螂會逃竄、掙扎,試圖逃跑,但它們必死無疑。對蟑螂來說,肥皂膜比任何化學(xué)藥劑都更致命。而且,這也非常容易清理,即使噴灑在食物周圍也很安全(不是要你把肥皂水噴在食物上)。

@nobody / Reddit



From the amazing book, The Gift of Fear, by Gavin DeBecker: “A woman alone who needs assistance is actually far better off choosing someone and asking for help, as opposed to waiting for an unsolicited approach. The person you choose is nowhere near as likely to bring you trouble as the person who chooses you is.”

加文 · 德貝克爾在其著作《恐懼給你的禮物》中寫道: “事實上,當(dāng)女性孤身在外需要幫助時,最好主動向別人求助,而非等待他人來幫助你。因為選擇你的人遠(yuǎn)比被你選擇的人更容易讓你遭到侵害。

@Solacekia / Reddit

Counting really slowly with the goal of reaching 150 is a decent way to fall asleep. If you have any thoughts during it, just let them play out, and if you forget what number you’re on just go from what you last remember. If you make any major movements, just start again. The goal is to force your brain to slow down and not have any jerky motions or thoughts, and eventually, reach such a level of carelessness that you eventually fall asleep without realizing it. Helped me quite a few times, especially with rain sounds. Hope it helps some of you too!


@nobody / Reddit


@Lost_in_the_Library / Reddit

Put your onion in the freezer for 10 minutes before chopping it. It freezes the juices just enough to slow down the process of it turning into a gas, giving you a few minutes to chop the onion without tears. I learned this tip from a kid’s science show years ago and haven’t had to deal with onion tears since. So many people don’t believe me, and they are genuinely surprised when it works.


@ Aakwanderer / Reddit

Vinegar in a plastic bag with a rubber band tied around any faucet will make the faucet like-new. I’m talking decade-old rust and stuff gone...and water flows like the first day. It also works on showerheads. You can unscrew those and leave them in a bowl full of vinegar.


@Bryarx / Reddit

If your car is overheating, turn your heat on full blast. When you turn the heat on in a car, it pulls heat from the engine into the cab, thus cooling the engine. I was taught this in driver’s ed 23 years ago. When my buddy’s car would run really hot back in high school, I told him to turn the heat on. He wouldn’t. I had to convince him it was true by saying I would pay for the resulting damage if the temp didn’t go down. It was the wintertime, and that heat was so hot we had to roll the windows down. But we watched his engine temp drop. I don’t believe it’s especially uncommon, but if no one ever told you, it would seem counterintuitive. This doesn’t work on electric cars and, depending on your mechanical Issue, it may not work at all. It’s not a permanent fix, this is to get you somewhere to safely address this issue.


@mojomcm / Reddit

Clean jewelry with dish soap since other cleaning supplies might scratch it (like hand soap or anything that exfoliates) or chemically react with the metals (usually like harsh cleaning supplies) and dish soap is intended to clean glass and ceramic without scratching it and silverware without reacting with the metal, etc.

用洗潔精清潔首飾,其他清潔用品可能會劃傷首飾(比如肥皂或任何可以去除角質(zhì)的東西) ,與金屬發(fā)生化學(xué)反應(yīng)(通常是刺激性的清潔用品) 。但洗潔精是用來清潔玻璃和陶瓷的,它不會劃傷首飾和銀器,也不會與金屬發(fā)生反應(yīng)。


Run your wrists under cold water or rub an ice cube on your pulse points to cool down all over quickly when you get overheated. It seems obvious but I didn’t realize it until last summer working in a warehouse with no AC.


@TheNoisyNomad / Reddit

If you’ve written on a dry erase board (or any glossy surface) with a permanent marker (like a Sharpie), just draw over it with a dry erase marker and it will wipe right off.



Smell is closely associated with memory. If you’re studying for an exam, buy an odd scented eraser (like pickle scent). Every time you try to memorize something, take a sniff. Take that eraser to the test and sniff it when you’re having trouble remembering an answer.



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2023-09-23 22:09:34



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