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I could have met someone better, but why did I choose you?


Those who can not be saved should stop here



The classroom desk is engraved with love words deeper than the sea


A princess without a knight must learn to grow


The heartbeat is the beginning of this mistake

六、從此山水不相逢 我要開始新生活了

From then on, the landscape will not meet, I have to start a new life


No one wants to be an ordinary person when they are young.

八、對未來的真正慷慨 是把一切獻給現(xiàn)在.

True generosity to the future is to give everything to the present.

九、別變得世俗 那不是你該走的路.

Don't be secular. That's not the way you should go.


Think of effort as a habit, not a whim.


Walk through the dark night to usher in the dawn.


To be someone that no one else can cheat

十三、這世上沒什么不可能 只有你想不想得到

There's nothing impossible in this world. It's just whether you want it or not


Only when you are strong, you will not be trampled by others!


Seriously living, who knows what kind of surprise will there be tomorrow

十六、有壓力但不會被壓垮 迷茫過 但永遠不絕望

Stressed, but not crushed, confused, but never desperate

十七、人吶 總要為自己的不努力買單

People always have to pay for their lack of effort

十八、只要你還愿努力 世界就會給你驚喜

As long as you are willing to work hard, the world will surprise you.

十九、你盡管努力變優(yōu)秀 你想有的都會有

You try to be good, you'll have everything you want

二十、為了向往的遠方和人 要努力

In order to yearn for the distance and people have to work hard

二十一、沒有方向的船 什么風(fēng)都是逆風(fēng)

Ships without directions are against wind in all winds.

二十二、努力的意義是 以后的日子里放眼望去全是自己喜歡的人和事

The meaning of hard work is that in the days to come, you can look at all the people and things you like


If you want to succeed like a drowning person, you can't relax for a second. Otherwise, why do you think you can win?

二十四、要有自己的目標(biāo)和追求 人也就這一輩子 頭頂?shù)奶於际且坏?你可以失敗 但是不可能自甘平庸

To have their own goals and the pursuit of people, that is, the days above the head of this life are the same, you can fail, but it is impossible to be mediocre

二十五、任何事情 什么時候開始都不晚 晚的是你從來都不敢開始 只要開始了 一切都簡單了 不怕你不會就怕你不做 一切贏在行動

It's never too late to start anything. You never dare to start. As long as you start, everything is simple. Don't be afraid. You won't be afraid. You don't do everything to win in action


The so-called effort is an active and purposeful activity.

二十七、父母的白發(fā)等不起時間 努力才能讓父母心慰

Parents' white hair cannot wait for time to comfort their parents


2024-04-19 02:04:49


2024-01-01 15:01:42



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